Category: Community

Stand-Up Paddleboarding or SUP is a summer sport that has won the hearts of many. Because of the lockdown and restrictions, people are forced to spend vacations at home. This is the right time to explore a local activity that promotes fitness and relaxation without compromising on the fun.
How to Paddle
If you like to experience this paddling activity, you need to have the courage to stand still on a board with a paddle in your hand. While this may sound easy, you risk falling into the water if you are not careful.
To avoid this, you must learn and practice the techniques. The right way to do it is …

Tina Holmes, who is the Director of People & Culture of Amorelie believes that work and fitness go together. She believes that working out together and helping each other is possible.
Tina is passionate about sports and she has an interest in fitness. She also loves swimming as it helps her build endurance. Tina practices yoga to maintain her body and mind balance. Fitness makes her able to meet new people and this helps to keep her going.
Moreover, her team is into sports, especially beach volleyball. According to Tina, playing and getting fit together allows her employees to explore and know each other away from work….

Every country offers different cultural sports. Here are some of the sports activities in different countries that you can check out and find inspiration.
1. Spinning Flair in French
Spinning is a popular sports club activity in France. They ride top-of-the-line bicycles with great motivational and playlist coaches they are indeed aware of on how to train their athletes well.
2. SUP Yoga trend in Spanish
Yoga on the SUP board is a new thing for many. It is a challenging activity done on the water and requires a lot of practice to achieve the perfect stunt. Balancing on the …